CALL US TODAY: (03) 977 9688
THE most important building block in supporting or developing your brand is STRENGTH! The strength of your design should be able to cross all mediums such as vehicles, buildings, displays, letterhead, stationery etc. One of the key things here is setting up files that are high resolution and can meet all of your requirements from day 1.
WHAT’S the process? That’s really easy (if you’ve read the concept page). You’ll know what we are after as to the type of information we’ll need to start the process.
STEP 1: Click on the free sign consultation button or just give us a call to book your 1 hr meeting. We’ll remind you then about the information required so don’t worry.
STEP 2: Bring the people that will have a say in potential designs.
STEP 3: We work out your signage requirements and break them down into cost structures and explain the process.
STEP 4: Your specific design categories are submitted at the second meeting again with all the stakeholders present.
STEP 5: We amend an existing design (x1) alteration free of charge as and if required.
HONESTY: We also tell you what we can’t do so we don’t waste your time because it’s valuable.
EXISTING designs. If they are from another sign company, we’d prefer not to see them as it’s not ethical to use them or price against the business that has produced them. However, if you’ve paid for the design then we can talk. Signage is what we know so we are your specialists when it comes to materials and what can be done or if you need a second opinion give us a call.